Active Health Chattanooga


Dr. Alex Earl is a chiropractic physician and a leading international instructor in Clinical Rehabilitation. . He has 9+ years of experience working in both private practice and inter-disciplinary settings – including high school and university athletic departments. Dr. Earl is also the co-founder of Midwest Rehabilitation Institute (MWRI), which provides Continuing Education to healthcare providers all over the United States. Prior to relocating to Tennessee, Dr. Earl treated thousands of patients in private practice and helped them overcome aches and pains so that they can continue to participate in an active lifestyle. Dr. Earl and his wife, five children and two golden- doodles reside in Apison, TN.

Dr. Alex Earl is a chiropractic physician and a leading international instructor in Clinical Reha... Read More

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Located at: 646 Overbridge Ln, Chattanooga
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